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This disclaimer of liability applies to any damages or injury caused by any failure of information systems or access; and to the content of any third party links or internet site. Summit Toxicology is not liable for any offensive or illegal conduct of users. User assumes all risk relating from any access to www.SummitToxicology.com (hereinafter referred to as “this site”).
This site is provided on an “as is” basis with no warranties either express or implied. User agrees that all use of this site is at user’s sole risk. Summit Toxicology makes no warranties as to accuracy, accessibility or reliability. Neither Summit Toxicology nor any affiliates shall be liable for any claim of loss resulting from any access to, or use of, this site. Summit Toxicology makes no guarantees, either express or implied, as to the accuracy, timeliness, or authenticity of any content on this site.
IIn no event will Summit Toxicology, or any affiliate of Summit Toxicology, be liable for any damages or injuries resulting from any access to, or use of, this site. Summit Toxicology and this site make no warranties as to content or availability of any third party internet site which may link to or refer to Summit Toxicology or this site.
Summit Toxicology and this site are not liable for any offensive or illegal conduct, post or content on any third party internet site. User assumes any and all risk resulting from any access to third party sites which may link to, or be linked from, this site to any other.
This disclaimer of liability applies to any damages or injury caused by any failure of information systems or access; and to the content of any third party links or internet site. Summit Toxicology is not liable for any offensive or illegal conduct of users. User assumes all risk relating from any access to www.SummitToxicology.com (hereinafter referred to as “this site”).
This site is provided on an “as is” basis with no warranties either express or implied. User agrees that all use of this site is at user’s sole risk. Summit Toxicology makes no warranties as to accuracy, accessibility or reliability. Neither Summit Toxicology nor any affiliates shall be liable for any claim of loss resulting from any access to, or use of, this site. Summit Toxicology makes no guarantees, either express or implied, as to the accuracy, timeliness, or authenticity of any content on this site.
IIn no event will Summit Toxicology, or any affiliate of Summit Toxicology, be liable for any damages or injuries resulting from any access to, or use of, this site. Summit Toxicology and this site make no warranties as to content or availability of any third party internet site which may link to or refer to Summit Toxicology or this site.
Summit Toxicology and this site are not liable for any offensive or illegal conduct, post or content on any third party internet site. User assumes any and all risk resulting from any access to third party sites which may link to, or be linked from, this site to any other.